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Join our Fall Book Club
The Monastery of the Heart Book Club


Benedictine Spirituality for Contemporary Seekers 
inspired by the 2020 Book Edition




Benedictine Spirituality for Contemporary Seekers 
inspired by the 2020 Book Edition


Five Session Book Club Discussion
Sept 6 - December 6 at 10am-12pm ET   
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Are you called to live Benedictine spirituality anew today? This is for you.

Within each of us, there is a Monastery of the Heart to cultivate. But how do we truly embrace the fullness and possibility of such a heart? Joan Chittister’s book, The Monastery of the Heart,** is our “guide and invitation” for this search of a lifetime. 

Join us over three months and five sessions as we dive into the call at the heart of our online movement of seekers. This book club will offer soul-searching conversation and heart-felt connection as we explore themes of Benedictine spirituality including the practices and the promises, the values and the visions, that make up the monastic life for each of us today. 

New Monasteries of the Heart members and long-time seekers alike will explore the pillars of the tradition and renew a commitment to their monastic hearts. In one community brought together regularly, participants will experience the formation that is uniquely possible in this “monastery without walls,” our monastery beyond borders. 

This will be facilitated by Katie Gordon, with guest teachings from Benedictine Sisters of Erie. In individual reflection and collective practice, in small and large group discussion, we will learn from one another what it means to be a Monastery of the Heart in our world. Recordings for each session will be shared afterward to all registrants. 

Overview of Sessions
September 6 - Session 1: Our Search (pages 1 - 20) 
September 27 - Session 2: Our Interior Life (pages 21-42) 
October 18 - Session 3: Our Community (pages 43 - 66)
November 8 - Session 4: Our Service (pages 67 - 90)
December 6 - Session 5: Our Promises & Spiritual Growth (pages 91 - 130)


*If you don't already have an account with us, create a free membership 
and then come back to add this to your cart after you are signed in.  

**Please note: Registration for this does not include book; 
please buy book separately at any bookstore; find links here. 

Email Katie at with questions.