Q: I can’t log in.
When entering your username, enter it exactly as when you registered. It is case specific so if you created it with upper case/lower case letters, you must enter it the same way each time you log in. Also, if you included spaces in your username, they must be included when you login.
If you receive the message: Sorry, unrecognized username or password. Have you forgotten your password?, click on “Have you forgotten your password.” Enter your Username or Email Address and click “e-mail new password.” You will receive one of two messages:
A. If you receive the message: “Sorry, xxxxx is not recognized as a username or an email address,” when entering your Username, repeat the process using your email address. If you still receive this message, then you need to contact us for your additional help. Click here and choose General Questions from the drop down menu. We will email you your username. Request a new password with the information we send you.
B. If you receive the message, “Further instructions have been sent to your email address,” go to your email inbox and find the e-mail from info@monasteriesoftheheart with the subject line: “Replacement login information for XXX at Monasteries of the Heart." It contains a link to reset your password. Click on the link (or copy and paste it to your internet browser).
The next screen will say “you have successfully validated your e-mail address, Reset your password. Click on the log in box."
You will then be on the Edit tab of your account at MOH with a blank password box. Type in your new password. Confirm it by typing it again in the second box. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click “save.” Be sure to write down your username, new password and the email address attached to your account.
You will now be logged in and can proceed to other pages of the website. (If you are successfully logged in, you will see the link “My Account” in the upper right corner. This is where you can edit your account information.)